Connects payment providers to the marketplace
Marketplaces & traditional e-commerces differ in that in marketplaces, three parties are involved (vendor, buyer and platform operator) whereas in traditional e-commerces, two parties are involved (vendor/operator and buyer).
A payment service provider (PSP) or payment gateway hence becomes essential to bring payment solutions on marketplaces.
PSPs are used for:
accepting electronic payments thourgh different payment methods
credit card
bank-based payments
direct debit
traditional wire transfer
real-time wire transfer
PSPs workflows are adapted to match marketplace-specific requirements:
Secure recollection of funds & escrowing (secure delayed payment)
Fraud management, KYC (Know Your Customers) & KYB (Know Your Business Procedures)
Askers & offerors security and trust
Various PSPs can be used to perform transactions on marketplaces.
For all services.
Learn more on interfaces here:
Learn more on how to configure the bundle here:
SBO > Other > Feature > Stripe
SBO > Other > Feature > Payment Methods
Workflows are identical throughout the 3 PSPs Second offers:
The primary objective of the marketplace is to enhance user registration and increase the number of bookings. To streamline the booking process on the platform, Know Your Customer (KYC) verification is required only when a vendor wishes to accept a booking.
Customers can navigate the platform, search for listings, and make booking requests without undergoing KYC verification. This allows for an uninterrupted and user-friendly experience, encouraging more interaction with the marketplace.
Vendors, on the other hand, can easily create listings without initial verification. However, when a vendor decides to accept a booking request, they must complete the KYC validation process. The specifics of the KYC validation are determined by the payment service provider configured within the platform.
This approach ensures that while customers enjoy a seamless experience, necessary security and verification standards are upheld for vendors. By implementing this method, the marketplace maintains a balance between user convenience and security requirements.
There are different criteria to take into account when choosing which PSP to integrate. We can classify them into 3 main categories:
Expertise & Price.
Geographically, it is key to check if the PSP can:
Operate in the countries where the marketplace will be hosting its activities
Comply with the laws of the concerned countries.
For example, is my customer's company on the list of countries allowed by the PSP?
Does the PSP accept bidders from “country”?
Functionally, one should verify if the features offered by the PSP covers:
The types of payment workflow (escrow, direct payment etc..)
The different payment methods (credit card, transfer, etc.)
KYC/KYB management
The functionalities offered by the PSP dashboard
The last criteria is the expertise & price of the PSP. While price is a fairly straight forward criteria, it usually scales with the following services:
The number of customers
The type of customers
The support provided
PSP name
Geographical criteria
Operator located in the EU
Users must be on a specific list of countries (here)
Payment workflow: Marketplace (escrow)
Integrated payment: Credit card, Bank wire
KYC/KYB management
Payment workflow: Marketplace (90 Days escrow)
Integrated payment: Credit card
KYC/KYB management
Operator must be located in Lemonway authorized countries (29 countries)
Offeror and asker must be located in Lemonway authorized countries
Payment workflow: Marketplace (escrow)
Integrated payment: Credit card, Bank wire
KYC/KYB management
KYC, or Know Your Customer, and KYB, or Know Your Business, are processes required to verify the identity of customers as per legal requirements and regulations. These processes are carried out by authorized companies, which usually are the PSPs. Marketplaces are however under the obligation of respecting this process before allowing users to receive payments.
These processes applies to:
All users who require the PSP’s services
Individuals or legal entities
Both askers and offerers
To benefit from the services provided by a PSP, users need to provide a certain amount of information.
Offerors provide :
Identity information about the individual opening the account
Company identity information if the account is registered as a legal entity
The KYC / KYB being a list of information concerning platform users, the required information may differ according to certain identity criteria such as:
Business type (individual or enterprise)
Business structure (private company, association etc...)
User country
The PSP-specific KYB/KYC processes are described the related PSP documentation.
All marketplaces types
Stripe is a payment service provider. Its services allow users to pay on the platform and administrators to handle payouts.
Learn more about the PSP available in Second: Payment Service Provider Feature (PSP) - Business rules
Stripe is the default PSP enabled.
For all services
Please, find all interface documentation related to the Stripe bundle, here:
SBO > Other > Feature > Stripe
Workflow of Stripe’s identity verification for users registered in France
Workflow of Stripe’s identity verification for users registered in the US
The direct debit payment option is available only when Stripe is selected as the payment service provider and when the booking start date is at least 14 days after the current date. Administrators need to manage this payment method through the SBO by modifying the "Payment Methods" Configuration.
For direct debit payments, the account holder's name, email address, and either the IBAN or bank account number are required.
When a customer selects Direct Debit as the payment method and click o "Pay", the booking request status is set to "Pending" until it is accepted by the vendor. Once the vendor accepts the request, the booking status temporarily changes to "Waiting for Payment". This brief period allows Stripe to process the payment transaction and send a confirmation to the platform. Upon receiving the confirmation, the status updates to "Paid". At this point, a mandate is issued, notifying the customer of the direct debit on their account.
If there are no issues with the payment transaction, the booking status will be updated to "Paid."
For direct debit payments, the payout may take up to 14 business days to become available. If the admin attempts to process the payment before this time, an error modal will be displayed.
If there is an error in the payment during a direct debit transaction, the booking status will be updated to "Status: Payment declined" when the vendor attempts to accept the booking.
In this scenario, the customer is required to create a new booking request.
If the administrator activates credit card payments for Stripe on SCND, users will have the ability to complete bookings using a valid credit card. The credit card payment option will be presented after the checkout overview.
The user then enters his payment information (figure 11.2):
credit card number
expiration date
The credit card payment is done before the service is provided. However, the amount will not be debited until the offeror has accepted the booking request. The payment to the offeror is done once the service has been completed.
Once the credit card payment is successfully processed, the system redirects the user to the booking page, where the booking status is set to "Pending." Upon vendor approval, the status automatically updates to "Paid." If a payment error occurs, the booking request is not completed, and the customer must resubmit the booking request and payment.
These fees are applied to all the payment transactions made on the platform.
For european cards: 1,4 % + 0,25 €
For non-european cards: 2,9 % + 0,25 €
The validation process is partially managed by Stripe.
Once the user has filled in identity information: Identity , by clicking the button save, he will be redirected to a dedicated Stripe page that automatically manages the list of information that will be requested from the user.
The user will have:
This screenshot has been taken in a test mode, the front can be changed a bit in production.
To verify his ID by taking a picture (figure 1)
Certify his address (figure 2)
Summary of his data (figure 3), once the user clicks the button “done”, he will be back on the platform.
Once the user is KYC/KYB validated he can no longer edit the following information:
First name
Last name
Stripe offers a workflow dedicated to the marketplace.
However, this workflow does not work for all countries that Stripe offers.
Second has integrated a workflow that allows the user to achieve the same result while working on all the countries that Stripe allows.
This workflow will revolve around the offeror's wallet, see:
During a pay-in, Stripe will transfer the total amount of the booking minus the fees to the wallet of the offeror.
Stripe collects these fees at that time and Stripe's fees just like other PSPs are based on the total amount of a pay-in.
This money will remain in escrow until the payout is made by the super administrator from the SBO.
Stripe will send the money to the offeror’s bank account and notify the platform in case of success or failure.
At the same time, the platform's fees will be available on the platform’s wallet.
Just like other PSPs, when a cancellation is made with a refund, it is automatic since the payment is by card.
Environment test: Test all status and automatic paiement workflow of the subscription services
The subscription feature allows automatic recurring payment for one booking.
Payments are automatic in production, but in environment tests, it will take a few days to complete a workflow. It is the reason why we implemented a Stripe tool to handle delays and fake dates.
During this process, you will switch between the Stripe dashboard and your platform.
Log in to your Stripe account:
Once you are connected, switch to Test mode thanks to the button (figure 1) at the top right corner of your Stripe dashboard.
Go on your platform and log in as an asker, then create a booking request.
Learn more about the process of booking requests here: Booking confirmation pages (Subscription)
Once you are on the checkout booking page, please take the ID checkout number in the URL (figure 2).
Path: Stripe dashboard > Test mode> Payments > Subscription > Test clock
Click on “test clocks” (figure 3), and you will be redirected to the subscription test environment of the Stripe dashboard.
Click on the button “New simulation” (figure 4), and a modal will appear (figure 5).
You will have to fill the field (figure 5) “Nom de la simulation” as follow: Subscription#IDcheckout and click on the button “Créer”
Please respect the naming convention: Subscription#12345678910 otherwise the test clock will not work. This is sensitive data.
Go back to the Checkout page and proceed to the payment. Once the payment is done, you should see “Client” (figure 6) on the new subscription page created on the Stripe dashboard
Tips: If you do not see the client appear that means your Stripe webhook is incorrectly configured, to do so you can go in the SBO > Others > Commands > run the command: Dashboard Stripe - Inter-user subscription bundle - Commands
Once the payment has been made by the asker, the offeror can accept the subscription.
Learn more about the process of booking management here:
Then on the Stripe dashboard, you should proceed to the payin.
By default, the Payin is done x days before the start date of the subscription period. This is set with the following configuration: subscription_automatic.
To test it quicker you can force the payin. In the Stripe dashboard, go on the subscription that matches your booking and click on Subscription (figure 7).
In the Invoice section, click on the label “brouillon” or draft, (figure 8 ) it will send you to the invoices menu of the Stripe dashboard.
Then click on the “charging the customer” (figure 9) button
The status of the subscription period will be Paid.
Go in the SBO and fill the arguments in the command subscription.status
Arguments: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1Y1MT1H1M
The same process to enable the payout: the command cocorico:subscription:validate.
Arguments: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
To finish the complete workflow you should test the next period.
Once the period T is active it will create the next subscription period is pending.
You can go on the Stripe dashboard and charge the customer for the new next period. For the subscription, you want to test you will see a new draft payment. Same as before, you can click on this label and charge the customer.
The payment will have the paid status. Then you can reproduce point 5. test the active period.
The expected behavior is:
The current subscription period is done
The next subscription period is active
The payout is available
You can reproduce steps 5 and 6 as many as you want in order to test several subscription period.
In some cases, a subscription payment may not be approved. If this happens, it's important to update the payment method to a valid one. To test this scenario, we need to access the draft invoice in Stripe Dashboard (Test mode > Billing) before the next billing cycle begins.
Click and open the invoice and attempt a new payment method by pressing the button "Charge Customer". Add a "Decline after attaching Stripe card" (4000000000000341). To complete the process, we need to check the following message displayed in Stripe:
Return to the asker account and refresh the page. A button "Update card details" should be displayed.
This command allows you to configure the Stripe webhook dashboard. Before a day of test please run this command
No arguments
Simulate a subscription request that has not been accepted or declined
No arguments
Simulate the day of the platform to test payin and status
Args: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1M
Simulate the day of the platform to test payout and status and enable another subscription period
Args: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
The subscription period workflow for a Accepted susbcription request is:
Pending > Accepted > Paid > Active > Done
Pending: the next period, it is waiting for subscription acceptance or for payment
Canceled: the next period was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
PaymentError: the next period has a payment issue
Paid: the next period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period becomes active when the period starts (new cron command required)
Done: the current period becomes done when the period ends (new cron command required)
Canceled: the current period is paid or pending, and the active period (if any) becomes Done when the period ends.
Pending: the subscription request is waiting for the offerer acceptation
Canceled: the subscription request was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
Accepted: the subscription request was accepted by the offerer
PaymentError: the next subscription period has a payment issue
Paid: the first period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period starts and it’s paid (new cron command required)
Canceled: the next period was canceled and ( there is no current paid period or the current paid period ends ) (new cron command required)
All marketplaces types that need an online payment
Mangopay is a payment service provider. Its services allow users to pay on the platform and administrators to handle payouts.
Learn more about the PSP available in Second: Payment Service Provider (PSP) - Business rules
For all services
Please, find all interface documentation related to the Mangopay bundle, here:
SBO > Other > Feature > Payments
You can find all workflows related to the Mangopay bundle.
To select payment by bank wire transfer, the user clicks the bank wire transfer block (figure 12).
The user makes the bank wire transfer once the offeror has accepted the booking request.
The user is then redirected to the confirmation page.
Bank wire payments are available only for Mangopay
Once an offerer accepts a booking in any bundle with bank wire as the payment method, the status is set to "Waiting for Payment." This status remains in effect until the configuration cocorico_booking.acceptation_delay is triggered. During this waiting period, a countdown timer is visible, indicating the time remaining before the acceptance delay is reached. If payment is not received before this deadline, the booking status is automatically changed to "Expired."
It's important to note that any changes to the configuration value cocorico_booking.min_start_time_delay will have an impact on the duration of the "Waiting for Payment" status, potentially making it longer or shorter.
For card payments on Mangopay, the workflow follows the same process as outlined for Stripe. For additional details, refer to the section "Stripe - Credit Card Payment."
Pay-in: 1,8% + 0,18€ per transaction without VAT
Payout: Free per transaction, in SEPA zone
Verification of physical person: Free
Verification of legal entity: 2,5€
Dispute lost: 15€
If the proof of identity verification refusal rate exceeds 15% per month, MANGOPAY will charge you €1 for any additional documents.
The validation process will be fully integrated within Second and will be as follows:
The user fills in their information on the Identity page: User profile dashboard (All rendering type) - Identity
If and only if the user is an offeror (has an ad or in the non-switch platform is defined as an offerer) he will be able to add the necessary documents for his validation by the PSP.
Proof of Identity
Proof of registration (for Enterprise only)
Articles of association (for Enterprise only)
UBO declaration (for Enterprise only)
If an offeror that is KYC/KYB validated, changes any of the following information in Identity:
First name
Last name
Company information
Country of residence or birth residence
Users who during the registration process select "I represent a legal person" might be asked to provide additional documentation to validate the KYC. It will be requested to provide at least one document proving their identity. For full details please check - KYC and Compliance
His validated status is canceled and he will have to start the process again.
The payment provider status (figure 2) can be seen at the top of the payment details page.
Mangopay is based on the concept of One user = One wallet.
In the case of a booking, Second will use the wallet of an asker and the wallet of an offeror.
A wallet is credited upon receipt of a pay-in whether it is by credit card or bank transfer.
This money will be held in escrow until the booking is validated by Second based platform.
At that time a wallet-to-wallet transfer will be made.
The bidder's wallet will receive the total amount of the booking minus the platform's fees.
A fee wallet will receive the platform's commissions.
Once the super administrator from the platform has activated the payout from the platform, Mangopay will send the money to the bidder's bank account. The super administrator will notify in case of success or failure.
In case of a cancellation on a reservation paid by credit card, the asker is automatically refunded and the wallet-to-wallet transfer plus commission transfer is done directly and the super administrator from the platform will be able to finalize the operation by authorizing the PayOut.
In the case of a reservation paid by bank transfer, the difference is that the administrator will have to make the refund by authorizing a PayOut from the SBO...
Environment test: Test all status and automatic payment workflow of the subscription services
The inter-user subscription allows automatic recurring payment for one booking.
Payments are automatic in production, but in environment tests, it will take a few days to complete a workflow.
You do not need to have access to the Mangopay dashboard, all is handled through Second platform.
Go on your platform and log in as an asker and create a booking request.
Learn more on the process of booking requests here: Booking confirmation pages (Subscription Feature)
And fill in the credit card information.
The bank-wire payment is not available for subscription services.
Once the payment has been made by the asker, the offeror can accept the subscription.
Learn more on the process of booking management here: Bookings dashboard (Subscription Feature)
By default, the Payin is done 2 days before the start date of the subscription period. This is set with the following configuration: subscription_automatic.
The status of the subscription period will be Paid but the payin will not be done.
Go in the SBO and fill the arguments in the command subscription.status
Arguments: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1Y1MT1H1M
The same process to enable the payout: the command cocorico:subscription:validate.
Arguments: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
Once the offeror accept the booking, the asker will have to confirm the booking.
He have to fill a 2nd time his payment information. This is for security reasons but he will not be charge twice.
This security confirmation appears only for the first period. Once it is done you do not have to do it again.
To finish the complete workflow you should test the next period.
Once the period T is active it will create the next subscription period is pending.
You can reproduce the point 5. test the active period.
The expected behavior is:
The current subscription period is done
The next subscription period is active
The payout is available
You can reproduce steps 5 as many as you want in order to test several subscription period.
Simulate a subscription request that has not been accepted or declined
No arguments
Simulate the day of the platform to test payin and status
Args: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1M
Simulate the day of the platform to test payout and status and enable another subscription period
Args: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
The subscription period workflow for a Accepted subscription request is:
Pending > Accepted > Paid > Active > Done
Pending: the next period, it is waiting for subscription acceptance or for payment
Canceled: the next period was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
PaymentError: the next period has a payment issue
Paid: the next period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period becomes active when the period starts (new cron command required)
Done: the current period becomes done when the period ends (new cron command required)
Canceled: the current period is paid or pending, and the active period (if any) becomes Done when the period ends.
Pending: the subscription request is waiting for the offerer acceptation
Canceled: the subscription request was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
Accepted: the subscription request was accepted by the offerer
PaymentError: the next subscription period has a payment issue
Paid: the first period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period starts and it’s paid (new cron command required)
Canceled: the next period was canceled and ( there is no current paid period or the current paid period ends ) (new cron command required)
Allows askers to send specific requests to an offeror
Banking aliases allow you to create a way to pay funds directly into a wallet, without having to declare the payin beforehand. For example, if you create an IBAN banking alias for a wallet, you'll be given a unique IBAN and BIC for this wallet. Any funds that we receive for this IBAN and BIC will be automatically credited to the wallet
As RPFs normally are from services with a high value in price, the banking alias comes up as a solution to avoid additional fees from debit or credit card payments.
Please, find all interface documentation related to the MangoPay Bank Wire Transfer Payment, here:
Mangopay bundle:
SBO > Other > Feature > Payment
There are no special rules for Bank Wire Transfer Payments.