Google Tools

To analyse users data of your platform


Google Analytics

Google analytics is a free website analysis dashboard. It gives you access to a range of insights about your website and the people who visit it.

Google tag manager

Google tag manager is a free tool to manage your tag. It has been designed for website traffic analysis and marketing optimization. It allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on all pages of a website.

Google tag manager will allow you to manage other google tools to write scripts easily in your code and run them.

You will need a cookie manager cause now it is required to be followed. If the user does not accept the cookie the traffic will be not followed by google analytics.

Which context

You can use it on every platform. When a platform operator needs to understand the users behavior and wants some data to create and manage marketing operations.


Google tag manager

Google Analytics


In the SBO you will have to configure all these parameters to be able to use google analytics.

Path: SBO > Others > Parameters

  • SBO > Other > Feature > Core > Google Tag Manager ID: The google tag manager ID is: GTM - XXXX

  • SBO > Other > Feature > Core > CookieBot API key

  • SBO > Other > Feature > Core > CookieBot ID

Steps to reproduce to set Google tools

Cookie Bot Manager

The cookie bot manager is required to have access to send data to google tools, if the users do not accept cookies, tools will not be able to receive the values and store analyze them.

First, you will have to fill in the cookies parameters.

  • cocorico_core.cookiebot_api_key: Your cookie bot key

  • cocorico_core.cookiebot_id: Your cookie bot ID

Google Tag Manager

  1. Create or log in on google tag manager with your google account (figure 1.2)

  2. Create a google tag manager account (figure 1.2), by filling:

  • Your account name

  • Your country

  • Container name

  • Select the Web target platform

3. Keep the Google tag Manager ID, you can find it in the navigation bar (figure 2):

You will have to fill the parameter, in the SBO (figure 3.1 & 3.2) :

  • cocorico_shop.google_tag_manager

4. Create a balize to connect google analytics to google tag (figure 4.1 & 4.2)

  • Go to Tag in the sidebar menu

  • Click on New

    • Set: the name of the tag

    • Choose the Tag type: Google Analytics: Universal Analytics

It is important to choose the “Google Analytics: Universal Analytics”, otherwise it will not works

  • Type of monitoring:

    • Google Analytics parameters

      • The ID of follow-ups that correspond to the Google analytics ID

      • Cookie domain

Once all the fields are filled, save the tag you just created, in Google tag manager dashboard you should see the number of tags you created.

5. Send your tags

You will have to send your tags, by clicking on the button send in the navigation bar, to make it works.

You will have to fill :

  • The name of the version

  • The description of the version

Google Analytics

  1. Create or log in on google tag manager with your google account (figure 5)

  2. Create a google analytics account by filling (figure 6):

  • Fill in the account name and check the checkboxes of: “Account data sharing settings”

  • Fill in the website name, the timezone, and the currency (figure 7)

  • Choose a sector

  • Select the platform, which is Web

  • Fill in the URL and name the flux

3. Keep the measurement ID, and fill it in the parameters of the SBO

Last updated

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