User KPI (RFP bundle)
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Path: Dashboard
The user dashboard homepage displays by default the user’s activity Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Key Performance Indicator, a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective. KPIs provide targets for teams to shoot for, milestones to gauge progress, and insights that help people across the organization make better decisions.
The KPI displayed can change depending on the activated bundle and the user's role.
Switch users: All logged-in users
Non-Switch users: All logged-in offerors.
Non-Switch users: All logged-in askers.
Create a KPI
KPIs cannot be created. A preset of KPIs are available on all platforms (the displayed KPIs vary depending on the activated bundles).
Read a KPI
The KPI are described in detail, in the following article: User KPI (Time-Based, Seat-Based, Flat-Rate)
You can see below the list of the KPI according to the RFP bundle
Offeror RFP KPI
Standard RFP KPI blocks
Accepted bids: Total bids accepted
Canceled bids: Total bids cancelled
Expired bids: Total bids expired due to the asker not responding
Declined bids: Total bids declined by the offeror
Business volume: Total business volume made by the offeror through accepted and paid bids
Unique customers: Number of unique customers
Search result appearance: Number of appearances in the search results for the offeror’s listings
RFP views: Cumulated number of views of the offeror’s listings
My score: Average rating
Bid average price: Average purchase volume per booking
Top KPI blocks
Top customers: Top 10 customers which generated the most business volume
Top RFP: Top 10 offeror listings generating the most business volume
Top countries: Top 10 countries in which the offeror’s bids generated the most business volume
Asker KPI
Standard KPI blocks
Accepted bids: Total bids accepted by the asker
Pending bids: Total bids pending
Expired bids: Total bids expired due to offerors not responding
Declined bids: Total bids declined by the asker
Booking requests: Number of booking requests made
Average response time: Average respond time of the asker on a bid
Number of bids: The total number of bids made
Purchase volume: Total purchase volume made by the asker through accepted and paid bookings
Update the KPI
Users cannot manually update the KPIs.
KPI values are automatically updated.
Delete the KPI
Users cannot delete any KPI or top list on their user dashboard homepage.
Related resources
Business rules:
Last updated
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