Payments dashboard (Time-Based rendering type)
User’s payment history
Path: Dashboard > payments
User payment history is displayed on the payment dashboard page. Users can also access invoices through this page.
Switch users: All logged-in users
Non-Switch users: All logged-in offerors
Non-Switch users: All logged-in askers
Create a payment
As an asker, payments are made during the booking process.
As an offeror, payments are received once the service is done. A service is considered done depending on the platform’s configuration and parameters. However, by default, a payment is sent manually by authorized administrators through their dashboard. To learn more about how payments are sent by administrators, please refer to [1.13.X] Payments management.
Read a payment
According to their role, users can see all transactions made or received on this page. On switch platforms, both views are available via dedicated buttons located on the top right corner of the dashboard page.
Each transaction (figure 1) displays:
“No. Transaction”: a unique transaction ID.
“No. Booking/ Quote”: the related booking’s ID.
“Invoice date”: invoice creation date.
“Payment type”: type of payment (standard booking payment, refund due to cancellation, refund due to mediation).
“Total”: The total amount paid or received.
“Invoice/receipt” icon: transaction invoice download link.
This invoice concerned only the fees charged by the platform, it is not related to the service.
The offeror has to send himself the invoice of the service.
Update a payment
Users cannot update payments.
Askers can cancel a booking request which will automatically create a refund.
Users can open a mediation (if the bundle is enabled) to request administrator intervention and potentially have the administrator update the payment terms if deemed relevant and justified.
Delete a payment
Users cannot delete payments.
Askers can cancel a booking request which will automatically create a refund.
Users can open a mediation (if the bundle is enabled) to request administrator intervention and potentially have the administrator update the payment terms if deemed relevant and justified.
Related resources
Business rules:
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