Show a Listing (Seat-Based)
Instructions for listing pages - Seat-Based rendering type activated
Path: Homepage > All listings > Listing
Listing pages serve as public interfaces that provide detailed information about available services. These pages also enable users to book services directly. In seat-based listings, availability details are clearly presented and explicitly displayed within a designated section of the listing.
All users
Create a listing
Offerors are the only user types who can create listings. Askers cannot create listings.
The listing creation process is described in the article Session solution: Create a listting
Read a listing
See the following documentation for more information: Show a listing (Time-Based)
Additionally, listings bear a “Next 5 availabilities” section (figure 1).
This section displays all the upcoming sessions available in the listing.
Each session block (figure 1) displays:
The session date
The session start time and end time
The session price
A “Choose” button to add the session to the booking request.
Update a listing
Only offerors can update their listings via their dashboard. The process is described in the article: Edit a listing (Seat-Based). Askers cannot update listings.
Delete a listing
Only offerors can delete their listings via their dashboard. The process is described in the article: Edit a listing (Seat-Based). Askers cannot delete a listings.
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