Listing Deposit (All rendering types)
Learn how to select the rendering type during the listing creation.
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Learn how to select the rendering type during the listing creation.
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The process of creating a listing consists of three initial steps in which the vendor provides the basic information required regardless of the selected rendering type. Once the rendering type is chosen in the third step, the subsequent steps will adapt accordingly to capture the specific details necessary for the listing.
The listing creation process begins on the homepage. If the "switch" configuration in the SBO is enabled, both vendor and customer roles have the ability to create a listing. When this setting is active, users must select their roles during account registration.
However, if the configuration is enabled with restrictions, only accounts designated as vendors will have permission to create listings.
If the option to publish a service is not visible on the homepage of a switch platform, the user is currently on the customer homepage. To switch to the vendor homepage, click the "Become a Vendor" button located in the top-right corner.
To start the listing creation process, click on "Publish a service" on the homepage. This action will trigger the listing deposit process.
The user is required to specify a title that accurately represents the provided service, accompanied by a detailed description outlining the nature and scope of the service. Both fields are mandatory and the listing title must have a maximum of 50 characters.
Tips: pick a short and clear title for your listing. This is the first thing that customers will see, time to shine!
During the listing deposit process, vendors have the ability to upload multiple file types to enhance the listing's detail and appeal for potential customers.
During the media selection process, vendors can upload various types of media to enhance their listings. The platform supports multiple image file formats, including JPG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. By default, the maximum allowable image file size is set to 12MB. However, this limit can be modified through the SBO configuration setting "Max size of a listing image."
At least one image must be uploaded, as it serves as the listing thumbnail. The administrator can set a max/min number of images through the "Max number of listing images" and "Min number of listing images"configuration in the SBO. Additionally, another configurable option available in the SBO settings for administrators, "Use profile picture as first image," allows the user’s profile picture to be automatically set as the first image in the listing cover.
The system allows users to upload PDF files to the listing. While this is not a mandatory requirement, vendors have the option to include additional details about their services by attaching relevant PDF documents.
The system allows vendors to add videos to their listings by simply pasting the YouTube URL. Once the URL is provided, the solution automatically integrates the video into the listing without requiring any additional steps.
In the third step, the vendor must select the rendering type model, which determines how customers interact with the listing. As previously mentioned in this section, this selection also affects the pricing structure, whether based on time, service, or the number of participants.
To support vendors in this process, an AI-powered feature has been incorporated into this step. For additional information, refer to the Rendering Type Auto Suggestion section.
Note: The rendering type of a listing cannot be modified after it has been published or saved as a draft.
Once the initial steps are completed, the process will proceed based entirely on the selected rendering type. For more details on how the listing deposit process continues, refer to the following content: