User KPI (Time-Based, Seat-Based, Flat-Rate, RFC)
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Path: Dashboard
By default, the user dashboard homepage displays the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of that user.
Key Performance Indicator is a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective. KPIs provide targets for users to shoot for, milestones to gauge progress, and insights that help people across the organization make better decisions.
The KPI displayed can change depending on the activated bundle and the user's role.
Switch users: All logged-in users
Non-Switch users: All logged-in offerors.
Non-Switch users: All logged-in askers.
Create a KPI
KPIs cannot be created. A preset of KPIs are available on all platforms (the displayed KPIs vary depending on the activated bundles).
Read a KPI from the user’s dashboard
KPI types
Standard KPI blocks
On the user dashboard’s homepage, several KPI blocks are displayed (figure 1).
Each KPI block displays:
a value (based on the date range selected in filters)
a differential (that compares the current value based on the date range selected in the filters with the value for the previous date range)
a title.
A graphic can be opened to check the progression of these KPIs by clicking on the graphic icon (figure 1) in the KPI block. A pop-in modal with a graphic (figure 2) will open.
Tops KPI blocks
TOPS KPI blocks (figure 3) are ordered lists of the top 10 values based on a given criteria goal (e.g. top searched countries).
Offeror KPI
Standard KPI blocks
Accepted bookings: The total of bookings accepted by the offeror
Cancelled bookings: The total of bookings cancelled by askers
A cancelled booking is always cancelled by the asker
Expired bookings: The total of bookings expired due to the offeror not responding
Declined bookings: The total of bookings declined by the offeror
Booking requests: The total number of booking requests received
Business volume: The total business volume made by the offeror through accepted and paid bookings
Unique customers: The total number of unique customers who have made a booking to the offeror
Search result appearance: The total number of appearances in the search results for the offeror’s listings
Listing views: The cumulated number of views of the offeror’s listings
My score: The average rating
Average booking amount: The average purchase volume per booking
Average respond time: The average time it takes the offeror to reply to a message or booking request
Booking response rate: The average booking request with an offeror response (regardless of whether it is declined or accepted)
Top KPI blocks
Top customers: The top 10 customers who generated the most business volume through their bookings on the offeror’s listings
Top listings: The top 10 offeror listings generating the most business volume
Top countries: The top 10 countries in which the offeror’s listings generated the most business volume
Asker KPI
Standard KPI blocks
Accepted bookings: The total of bookings accepted by offerors
Cancelled bookings: The total of bookings cancelled by the asker
A booking cancelled is a booking request pending OR a booking paid that is cancelled by the asker
Expired bookings: The total of bookings expired due to offerors not responding
Declined bookings: The total of bookings declined by offerors
Booking requests: The number of booking requests made
Purchase volume: The total purchase volume made by the asker through accepted and paid bookings
Users can filter KPIs to display more detailed data.
Filter buttons are available in the filter block at the top of the main body (figure 4).
The filters available are:
Users roles
The user roles filter is enabled only for switch platforms. If a user is both an offeror and an asker, he can select the role dependent KPI data he wants to display (figure 5).
On a non-switch platform, users will see the KPI data according to their default user role: asker or offeror.
Date filter
Users can filter the KPI displayed according to dates.
Default date range
A default date range is applied when users first access their KPIs. This default range displays KPIs from the first recorded data until the current date.
Quick filters
There are 3 quick filters (figure 6) available:
This month button
The “This month” button (figure 6) displays the KPIs of the current month.
This filter will start at the beginning of the current month and end at the current date.
e.g.: Today is September 13th 2021, the date range will be: from September 1st 2021 to September 13th 2021.
This week button
The “This week” button (figure 6) displays the KPI of the current week.
This filter will start at the beginning of the current week and end at the current day of the week.
e.g.: The date ranges from Monday of the current week to the current day of the week.
Today button
The “Today” button (figure 6), will display the KPI of the current day.
Date time picker
Users can filter their KPI for a given period with the date picker (figure 7) by selecting the start date and end date for the desired period.
Specific day
Users can display KPI for a specific day by selecting an identical start and end date.
Date range
Users can display KPI for a specific date range by selecting different start and end dates.
This filter is only available for the offeror role.
An offeror can have several listings. To view KPIs regarding a given listing, a “Listings” dropdown button (figure 8) is available.
Differential values
Monitor progress throughout time.
Each standard KPI block displays a differential value (figure 9).
This value is based on the filter date ranges.
Differential value based on the same start and end date in the date filter
If a user selects the same start and end date in the date filter, the differential value will compare the T and T-1 dates' values.
Differential value based on a date range with different start and end date
If a user selects a different start and end date in the date filter, the differential value will compare the T and T-N dates' values.
Update the KPI
Users cannot manually update the KPIs.
KPI values are automatically updated.
Delete the KPI
Users cannot delete any KPI or top list on their user dashboard homepage.
Related resources
Business rules:
Last updated
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