Listing Alert management (Listing Alert mode)
Push an alert to the user when a listing matches the user’s criteria search
Path: Homepage > All listing
The search results page displays listings according to the user’s search criteria entered previously in the search bar.
The listing alert will send an email to notify the user when a listing matching his criteria is listed on the platform.
All logged-in users
Create a listing alert
Listing alerts can be created through the search results page by clicking “Get an alert when a new listing is posted” (figure 1). If there are categories and attributes filtering to the search, they will be also saved in the alert.
A pop-up window opens and prompts the user to enter a title (figure 2).
Read a search result page with the listing alert bundle
With the listing alert bundle activated, the search result page is similar to the basic configuration (figure 3). For more information, see the following documentation: Listings search results page (Time-Based) - Read search results page
The listing alert button “Get an alert when a new listing is posted” (figure 4) appears when the bundle is enabled, at the end of the search result page.
My Alerts
Users can see their saved alerts in the “My alerts” section of the user dashboard (figures 5 and 6).
Path: Dashboard > My profile > My alerts
Update a listing alert
Users cannot update a listing alert
Delete a listing alert
Delete a listing alert:
Path: Dashboard > My profile > My alerts
Click the cross (figure 7) to delete the alert.
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