Listings search results page (Time-Based mode)
How to use the search results page
Path: Homepage > All listing
The search results page displays listings according to the user’s search criteria entered previously in the search bar.
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Create a search results page
Users cannot create a search results page. These are automatically generated based on a user’s search criteria entered in the search bar.
Read search results page
A search results page layout is illustrated hereafter (figure 1):
Map section
The map on the left side of the page is interactive. It generally uses Google Maps API (but can be replaced by another mapping tool according to the platform’s specifications).
Users can navigate on the map. Pins with the number of listings per location are displayed. Pins are grouped or ungrouped according to the displayed precision and zoom level.
Understanding the map captions
On the map, a black location pointer indicated where a listing is serviced (figure 1.1.1).
When several listings are offered in the same geographical area, users will see a numbered coloured circle indicating the number of listings available in this area (figure 1.1.2). The search becomes more precise as a user zooms in.
By clicking a location pointer, the related listings' preview card will open (figure 1.1.3). A slider is available in the preview card should multiple listings be available on the pointer.
Listings section
Listing preview cards are displayed on the right side of the search results. These listings match the user’s search criteria.
Clicking a listing preview card redirects the user in a new tab to the listing page.
Each listing preview card (figure 1.2) displays:
The listing’s media elements
The listing’s default based price per time unit
The listing’s location (only the city)
The listing’s title
The listing’s rating (if at least 1 review was made on the listing)
Alert section
At the bottom of the search results page is an alert button “Get an alert when a new listing is posted” (figure 1.3.1). This button schedules a daily alert system to warn the user via e-mail each time a new listing matching his search criteria is published on the platform. Refer to the following documentation for more information: Listing Alert management (Listing Alert feature)
Clicking on the button will open a pop-up window that prompts the user to enter a title for this alert. To finalize alert creation, the user clicks “Create alert” (figure 1.3.2).
Listings paging
Users can navigate through pages with the pagination buttons (figure 1.4) at the end of the page.
Update the search results page
Users can update the search results page by modifying their search criteria through the search bar available in the header banner (figure 2.1).
A filter banner (figure 2.2) is also available to help users make more precise searches.
Map’s display
The show map filter allows users to display or hide the map on the search result page.
By enabling (figure 2.1.1) or disabling (figure 2.1.2) the switch button it will determine the map’s display.
Prices filter
The prices filter allows the user to set a minimum and a maximum price for searched listings.
By clicking “Price”, a price card with a range field will appear (figure 2.1.3).
The range field is updated through a slider motion on both ends and validated through the “Apply” button. It will update the search results page to display only listings matching the selected price range.
Sorting tool
The sorting tool (figure 2.3) offers 4 different sorting options:
Recommended: it will sort listings based on a proprietary search algorithm that maximizes conversion rates
Price: it will sort listings from the lowest to the highest price
Distance: it will sort listings from the closest to the farthest
Date created: it will sort listings from the most recent to the oldest
Attributes filter
The attributes filter (figure 2.4) helps users make even more accurate searches.
Users can select/fill out the desired attributes.
According to the platform’s configuration, each attribute is linked to one or several categories: Listings attributes management
Available attributes depend on the category selected by the offeror and configurated by the platform’s administrator.
Header search bar
The main search criteria are entered in the search bar on the homepage: Vendor Homepage - Search, Custome Homepage - Search
A search bar containing the previously entered search criteria is available on the search results page in the page header. Refer to the following documentation for more information: Listings search results page (Basic solution) -
Delete search results page
Users cannot delete anything on the search result page.
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