Time-Based rendering type
Used for marketplaces offering services per unit time
Offerors offer their services through a listing per time unit (per hour, per day, per night) and set their general availabilities.
Askers select the start time, end time, and duration for the booking.
Which context
The basic solution is mostly used for marketplaces offering services per time unit (e.g. rentals, freelancing, home caring services).
Learn more about the interfaces here:
Additionally, authorized administrators must configure the platform’s time unit, either as:
Daytime: the service is booked over a full 24-hour day which starts at 00:00 day X and ends at 23:59 day X.
To configure the platform’s time unit as daytime, enter the following values:
Nightime: the service is booked over a full 24-hour period which starts on day X and ends on day X+1 to cover a full night.
To configure the platform’s time unit as nighttime, enter the following values:
Users workflows
Listing status
Search & Bookings
Workflow and complete scenario by roles
Special rules
These special rules applied to all bundles
Reviews enhance our search result algorithm’s output. Better reviewed users and listings will be ranked higher in search results should the search criteria be relevant.
Reviews statuses
Published: Everyone can see all reviews
Hidden: Only authorized administrators and the emitter of the review can see the review
Reviews can be managed in the SBO. Learn more through the following documentation: Reviews management
Listing, Booking, and User ID (UID)
The sequential numbering of Listing, Booking and User UIDs allows deducing critical and strategic information of a platform. To prevent this type of analysis on the platform, these UIDs are randomly generated to return a number between 10,000 and 2,147,483,640.
Invoice ID
The ID invoice generating by its own rules.
For each invoice, the ID starts with YYYY/MM/DD, the end is an ID that is incremented. The incremental number doesn’t depend on the date.
Availability and unavailability (calendar)
There are four statuses for availability on the calendar; "undetermined", "available", "unavailable" and "booked". The statuses "indeterminate" and "available" are displayed as being available to the public, which means that by default the advertiser is always available if he does not declare any unavailability. The statuses "unavailable" and "booked" are displayed as being unavailable to the public.
Users status
In review: Users cannot add listings, contact other users or make bookings.
Live: Users have access to all user features.
Invalidated: The user can no longer log in.
Listing status
In review: Listing is only visible by the offeror that added it. Only the admin can change the status.
Published: Listing is visible to all users.
Invalidated: Listing is only visible by the offeror that added it. Only the admin can change the status.
Hidden: Listing is only visible by the offeror that added it.
Booking status
Draft: The asker did not complete the request.
Pending: The booking request is awaiting a response from the offeror.
Paid: It is when the offeror has accepted the request and the booking has been paid by the asker. A voucher is created with the Booking request number, Name and last name of the asker, Address, phone number, date, duration et listing title.
Refused by user: The offeror has declined the booking request.
Canceled by asker: this appears when the asker cancels a booking.
Expired: The offeror has not responded in time and the request has expired.
Mediation appears when a user declares litigation or when an offeror requests a cancellation.
Payment error: this appears if the platform manages payments and payment was declined by the bank.
Free Listing
Free listings are available on platforms, to do so you will have to manage some configurations.
Free listings are available for:
Last updated
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