Book a Listing (Flat Rate)
Workflow page of a booking confirmation
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Workflow page of a booking confirmation
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Path: Homepage > All listings > Listing > Booking
The booking request process is made out of the checkout + the payment process + the final confirmation
Logged in users
Select a listing and choose the date and starting time (figure 1).
To add a service, click “Add a service” (figure 2). This will redirect the user to the services available in the listing (figure 3). Click “Add” (figure 3) in the service card to add this service to the booking.
The user can set the orderable quantity in the booking (figure 4).
Click “Book now” (figure 5).
The checkout overview pages are similar to the ones from the Time-based rendering type. Learn more through the following documentation: Book a Service (Time-Based)
The “Principal services” become “Services”
The service section (figure 6) details the following information:
The service name
The quantity booked
The Price per unit
The unit type
The duration
The discount
Updating a service booking follows the same process as the one from the Time Based Rendering type. Learn more through the following documentation: Booking request (Time-Based rendering type)
Users cannot delete a booking request.
Users can either stop the booking request process, in which case no booking request is made; or users can cancel booking requests from their dashboard.
The process is described in the article: Bookings dashboard (Time-Based rendering type) - Update a Booking
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