Viewing and managing listings

Managing listings on your platform

Path: Backoffice > Listings > Listings


A listing is a container that, depending on your configuration, will display:

  • The services offered by a vendor


  • A customer request for services (if the RFP bundle is activated)

Listings are displayed on the front end. They are also the items displayed on the search results page.

Core concept: in the back office listings are displayed through 2 views:

  • List view: displays listings in a list that can be searched, sorted, and exported

  • Detailed view: displays the detailed information of 1 listing. Also gives access to additional features for each listing individually.

Create a listing

Only vendors or customers can create listings. This is done through the frontend of the platform.

You can read about adding listings here: Listing deposit pages

List view

When clicking on the “Listings” link on the sidebar menu you arrive on the list view page. This page lists all the listings of the platform.

Each item in the list (figure 1) is composed of:

  • A picture

  • The listing title

  • The location (City)

  • The listing status

  • Categories the listing is associated to

  • Update date

  • Number of times this listing has been booked, and a link to those bookings

  • The vendor associated to the listing (with a link to their user page)

  • The default price as set by the vendor (displayed in the default currency of your platform)

  • The UID of the listing

Searching and sorting

Keyword search

The keyword search field (figure 4) is displayed at the very top of the interface, next to the Back Office logo.

To perform a search, enter your query in the field and hit “Enter” on your keyboard.


The filters feature helps filter and sort items through different filtering and sorting options.

Date range

You can select start and end date to filter listings within that range (figure 10).

Once the time and date are filled, click “Filter” (figure 10.2), and the results will be filtered following the selected values.


You can choose among different sorting policies:

  • The ‘Smart’ policy displays the most relevant items for operators. Listings are displayed in the order defined below :

    • First: listings who’s status is "In Review", from the newest to the oldest listings in that status.

    • Second: all other listings except those with the status "Invalidated", from the most recently updated to the oldest.

    • Third: listings with the “Invalidated” status

  • The ‘Creation date’ policy will sort listings from the most recently created listings to the oldest ones..

  • The ‘Update date’ policy will sort listings from the most recently updated listings to the oldest ones.


This section describes a file export (CSV). You can alternatively use the API to export your data.

The “Exports” button (figure 11), allows you to download the data associated with your current search results. To download all items, remove and search criteria.

By clicking on the “Exports” dropdown, a list with file extensions will appear. Choose the format you want to use and it will automatically be saved into your computer. That file can be directly reviewed from your local environment.

Viewing the public listing

Click on the “eye” icon to open the listing as it is viewed by customers and vendors. A new tab will open.

Detailed view

Access the detailed view of a listing with the “Pen” Icon

From the Backoffice, you can click the “pen” icon to access more information about a listing and start editing it.

The presentation card

First, we see the presentation card (figure 2) to have an overview of the listing.

On this card, we see the following information :

  • The listing title (depending on the language)

  • The listing description (depending on the language)

  • The listing rules and conditions (depending on the language)

If your platform offers multiple languages, you can click on the flag at the top right of the presentation card to display the content in other languages.

Category card

The category card (figure 3) displays the category(s) that the listing is associated with.

Default Price card

The default price card (figure 4) displays the default price that was set by the vendor. Keep in mind that many other price rules may have been configured, meaning that this is not necessarily the price paid by customers.

The price card displays:

  • Default Price: this is the public price that is displayed for this listing. If no other rules have been configured, this is the price that customers will pay per unit.

  • Policy & Duration: vendor defined minimum and maximum orderable quantities per booking

  • Cancellation: shows the cancellation policy enabled for this listing

The location card

The location card (figure 5) displays the location associated with the listing.

The location card displays the following fields:

  • Number

  • Route (street name)

  • City

  • Zip

  • Additional location information

  • Country

These values determine the geolocation displayed on the map.

Side card information

The side card lists (figure 6) the following information:

  • UID: The unique ID of the listing

  • Offeror: the vendor who created the listing

  • Booking: the number of bookings made for this listing

  • Creation date: The listing’s creation date

  • Update date: The listing’s updated date

  • Average rating: the average rating of the listing

  • Reviews: the number of reviews the listing has

The impersonate feature

The impersonate feature enables operators with the required permissions to access a customer or vendor dashboard and account as though they were logged in with that user’s account. This feature enables an operator to view all of the personified user's information and to carry out all actions to which he is entitled.

This feature is useful in many contexts:

  • to view all of a vendor’s configurations

  • to assist users, potentially even by carrying out actions in their stead through their account

To impersonate a user, click on the spy icon:

Updating a listing

Operators can update specific information for listings through the detailed view interface. Other information of the listing can only be changed through the vendor or customer dashboards by using the “impersonate” feature.

Listing status

4 statuses are available for listings:

  • Published: the listing is published on the platform. Authorized vendors and customers can view it.

  • Hidden: only the vendor that created the listing can view it.

  • Invalidated: the listing has been declared invalid by the operator. The vendor cannot change this status once it is acquired.

  • In review: the listing is under review by an operator. Only operators and the vendor that created can view it.

A platform-wide policy can be defined to set the initial listing status once it has been created by a vendor. By default, listings are “Published” as soon as they are created, however, you can set the default status to “In review” through the Configurations interface.

The status of a listing can be updated in two ways.

  1. By using the dropdown of a listing card (figure 7). Clicking on it will reveal the list of available statuses. Clicking a status will immediately change the current listing status.

  2. From the detailed view of a listing, on the right hand side, a card with three dropdown buttons (figure 8) is displayed. The first dropdown button also allows operators to change the listing status.

Certified listings

A certified listing displays a specific icon on the front end and benefits from a boost in search engine rankings. The technical documentation describes the ponderation of the certified status on listing rankings in search results.

Go to the listing’s detailed view to set the certified status (figure 8).

Platform Rating

The platform rating is a non-disclosed rating that operators can attach to a listing. The rating score will have an impact on the listing’s ranking in search results. A ranking above “5” will boost the listing in the search results, and a rating below “5” will make the listing drop in rankings. The technical documentation describes the ponderation of this setting on search results.

Go to the listing’s detailed view to set the rating (figure 8).

Deleting a listing

To delete a listing, go to the detailed view of a listing and click on “Delete this listing” (figure 9):

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