Administrators management

Create/edit/delete administrator accounts that will be able to access the SBO depending on their assigned roles.

Path: SBO > Access Rights > Admins Management


The “admins management” section of the SBO allows the super-administrator to create, edit and delete administrator accounts, which will be able to access the SBO depending on their assigned roles.


Logged super-administrator.

Administrators cannot access this part of the SBO.

Create an administrator account

the super-administrator can create, and indirectly invite, an administrator account to have access to SBO features.

First, click “Add an administrator” (figure 1) at the top of the page.

A modal will appear (figure 2) to set:

  • The email input of the administrator you want to invite

  • Assign a role to the administrator by ticking the checkboxes.

Click “Apply” (figure 2) to save. A mail is sent to the newly added administrator account with the roles assigned, and a link to set his password.

Read the administrators interface

Administrators list

Review all administrators' accounts created with the assigned roles in the table (figure 3). Each line of the table allows the super-administrator to manage an administrator’s account.

For each administrator’s account, the super-administrator can see:

  • The administrator email

  • Its role(s)

  • Actions are all clickable functionality to manage the administrator account.

    • The detective icon is the Impersonate feature

    • The pen icon is the update feature

    • The trash icon is the delete feature

The impersonate feature

The impersonate feature allows the super-administrator to take control of the current administrator account.

Click the “detective” icon (figure 4) in the Action column.

Update administrators

Update the administrator's accounts by clicking the “pen” icon (figure 5), in the Actions column, of the administrator account.

It will open a modal (figure 6) to modify:

  • The email, in the text area

  • The role, by ticking the role checkboxes

Save the modifications by clicking “Apply” (figure 6).

Delete administrators

Delete the administrator’s account by clicking the ‘trash’ icon (figure 7).

It will open a pop-up (figure 8), to confirm the choice to delete the administrator’s account.

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