Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Improve the visibility/position of a website as a top result of a search
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques that can be implemented to improve the visibility/position of a website as a top result of a search, on the search engine result page (SERP).
It is also called natural referencing.
We will focus on the techniques that Second has for you to use.
These techniques are :
The meta title and description
Page URLs
Page structure
Note: The content of the marketplace can be optimized too, by :
Creating optimized content pages
Using the correct words for translations
The meta title and description
The meta titles on second are divided as follows:
an editable text by the administrator
+ a dynamic text managed by Second
+ the name of the platform preceded by a dash.
Editable text can be modified by the administrator from the SBO in the Interface texts section in the Content menu.
The dynamic part of meta titles is managed by Second and will be applied on 3 pages:
In the search results page: current results page number
In the listing page: title, city, via its address, and base price coupled with the time unit. In some configurations (e.g. RFC), there are no addresses in the meta title.
The name of the platform can be modified via the configuration parameter cocorico_shop.site_name. It is accessible from the SBO in the βConfigβ menu in βOtherβ.
The meta description is a free text field editable by the administrator.
In the listing pages, meta descriptions should appear at the top of the listing description
Sitemaps is an XML file located in the root directory of your domain and containing the global architecture of a website.
It generally contains all the URLs of a site and additional information such as the last update date or the importance of a page.
The purpose of a sitemap is to allow search engines to reference all pages of your site and the dates of content updates.
Access to the sitemaps
Access Second platform sitemaps by adding, after the domain name, /sitemap.xml.
It will display a list of sitemaps that will each reference certain pages.
This operation is useful to overcome the file size limitations of search engines.
There are 4 sitemaps in the Second technology:
The default sitemap will reference the following pages:
Content pages
Deposit listing page
The Categories sitemap will list all category pages of the platform.
The Listings sitemap will reference all the listings pages of the platform.
The Users sitemap will reference all the user profile pages of the platform.
The sitemap can be generated from the SBO: menu βOtherβ > βCommandsβ > command β: platform:sitemap:generateβ.
Although the sitemap is dynamic automatically includes each new page or modification, it is possible to force an update through this command (this is especially useful when a language is added or removed from the platform).
Page URLs
The URLs are constructed as follows: Domain_name/lang/path/dynamic_path.
The language will depend on the languages offered on the platform.
These languages can be modified in the SBO > Other > Features > Platform Configuration > Locales.
Each language has its own iso code used in the URL.
(E.g. a platform in English will be βenβ and βfrβ for French)
URL modification
On Second the administrator can change the default URLs that have been set on the platform.
Access: βContentβ > βInterface textsβ > Search the word βroutesβ to access all URLs which can be edited.
By doing, so the system will only change the URL of the concerned pages.
However, the system will not automatically change the related URLs on the other platform pages.
This can result in a 404 error.
Page structure
Each pageβs code structure respects SEO best practices.
Breadcrumbs indicate the path to the page you're on.
Breadcrumbs will help users and search engines to navigate and understand the site structure.
Breadcrumbs can be changed by the administrator through: βContentβ>βInterface textsβ.
By searching the word βbreadcrumbsβ the administrator will find all of the breadcrumbs he can change.
Last updated
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