Dashboard Mangopay - Subscription Feature
Environment test: Test all status and automatic payment workflow of the subscription services
Why / Which context
The inter-user subscription allows automatic recurring payment for one booking.
Payments are automatic in production, but in environment tests, it will take a few days to complete a workflow.
Steps to reproduce
You do not need to have access to the Mangopay dashboard, all is handled through Second platform.
Make a booking on your platform
Go on your platform and log in as an asker and create a booking request.
Learn more on the process of booking requests here: Booking confirmation pages (Subscription Feature)
And fill in the credit card information.
The bank-wire payment is not available for subscription services.
Accept the subscription request and enable payments
Once the payment has been made by the asker, the offeror can accept the subscription.
Learn more on the process of booking management here: Bookings dashboard (Subscription Feature)
By default, the Payin is done 2 days before the start date of the subscription period. This is set with the following configuration: subscription_automatic.
The status of the subscription period will be Paid but the payin will not be done.
Test the active period
Go in the SBO and fill the arguments in the command subscription.status
Arguments: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1Y1MT1H1M
The same process to enable the payout: the command cocorico:subscription:validate.
Arguments: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
The asker need to confirm the payin
Once the offeror accept the booking, the asker will have to confirm the booking.
He have to fill a 2nd time his payment information. This is for security reasons but he will not be charge twice.
This security confirmation appears only for the first period. Once it is done you do not have to do it again.
Test the next subscription period
To finish the complete workflow you should test the next period.
Once the period T is active it will create the next subscription period is pending.
You can reproduce the point 5. test the active period.
The expected behavior is:
The current subscription period is done
The next subscription period is active
The payout is available
You can reproduce steps 5 as many as you want in order to test several subscription period.
Simulate a subscription request that has not been accepted or declined
No arguments
Simulate the day of the platform to test payin and status
Args: --test --id=1868442188 --clock=P1M
Simulate the day of the platform to test payout and status and enable another subscription period
Args: --test --delay-weekly=-P1M
No space between the = and the Clock naming convention
Do not forget the - before the period
Clock naming convention
One minute
One hour
One month
One year
Subscription period
The subscription period workflow for a Accepted subscription request is:
Pending > Accepted > Paid > Active > Done
Pending: the next period, it is waiting for subscription acceptance or for payment
Canceled: the next period was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
PaymentError: the next period has a payment issue
Paid: the next period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period becomes active when the period starts (new cron command required)
Done: the current period becomes done when the period ends (new cron command required)
Canceled: the current period is paid or pending, and the active period (if any) becomes Done when the period ends.
Subscription status
Pending: the subscription request is waiting for the offerer acceptation
Canceled: the subscription request was canceled by the asker
Declined: the subscription request was canceled by the offerer
Accepted: the subscription request was accepted by the offerer
PaymentError: the next subscription period has a payment issue
Paid: the first period was paid successfully but the period didn’t start yet (payment attempt delay)
Active: the next period starts and it’s paid (new cron command required)
Canceled: the next period was canceled and ( there is no current paid period or the current paid period ends ) (new cron command required)
Last updated
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