Book a Listing (Seat-Based)
Workflow page of booking confirmation with the Session bundle activated.
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Workflow page of booking confirmation with the Session bundle activated.
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Path: Homepage > All listings > Listing > Booking
The booking request process is made out of the checkout + the payment process + the final confirmation
Logged in users
To create a session booking, users select the desired session displayed on the left-hand side of the listing page (figure 1).
Users can set the number of participants for their booking (figure 2).
Click “Book now” (figure 3) to confirm the booking request.
The checkout overview pages are similar to the ones from the Time-based rendering type. Learn more through the following documentation: Book a Service (Time-Based)
The session confirmation pages are similar to the ones from the time-based, with the addition of the number of participants (figure 4).
Updating a session booking follows the same process as the one from the time-based rendering. Learn more through the following documentation: Edit a Listing (Time-based)
A booking request cannot be deleted. Users have the option to either halt the booking request process before submission, preventing the creation of a request, or cancel an existing booking request through the dashboard.
The process is described in the article: Bookings dashboard (Time-Based rendering type) - Update a booking
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