Messages dashboard
Managing and monitoring the messages received from users
Path: Dashboard > Messages
Messages can be sent through the platform in given circumstances: when performing a booking, when browsing a listing page, or from a public profile page.
A message is always sent between two users, usually an offeror and an asker (this varies according to the platform’s configuration). When a message is first sent, a dedicated thread is created and allows users to follow their exchanges. There are 2 types of threads:
Thread linked to a booking
Thread not linked to a booking
Switch users: All logged-in users
Non-Switch users: All logged-in offerors
Non-Switch users: All logged-in askers
Create a message
Thread linked to a booking
A thread is automatically created upon each booking request. The offeror receiving the request can either directly accept the booking or decide to first discuss with the asker.
Thread not linked to a booking
A thread is automatically created when a message is sent from the contact button available on each listing page or profile page.
Read a message
The messages dashboard displays all messages in a date organized threads.
Threads list
Users can search through their messaging threads via the in-built keywords search bar ( figure 1). A thread is displayed in the search results should it contain at least one iteration of the searched word.
Each messaging thread is displayed as a thread block (figure 2.2) displaying:
The recipient user and his rating
If applicable, the listing’s title
The message sent
An intuitive “reverse” arrow icon lets users respond quickly to a messaging thread. This icon opens a pop-up message box (figure 2.2) in which the user can write his message as well as attach files via the paper clip icon.
Clicking the discussion bubble icon redirects the user to the detailed view of the messaging thread.
Path: Dashbaord > Messages > Discuss with…
Threads detail
Entering a thread’s detailed view gives quick access to related information.
The “Access listing” button (figure 3.1) located at the top of the thread block redirects the user to the related listing (if applicable).
The “Access booking” button (figure 3.2) redirects the user to the related booking (if applicable).
The “Access profile” button (figure 3.3) redirects the user to the related recipient user’s profile page.
Clicking the recipient user’s avatar or name in a messaging thread also redirects the user to their profile page (figure 3.4).
In the main conversation body, messages are displayed in a staggered fashion according to who is sending the message (figure 4). Each message indicates the sender, the message, and the date.
Users can write a message and attach a file in the dedicated field located at the bottom of the thread (figure 5).
Update a message
Users cannot update sent or received messages. Authorized administrators can update messages through the SBO for moderation purposes. See: Users messages management
Delete a message
Users cannot delete sent or received messages. Authorized administrators can delete messages through the SBO for moderation purposes. See: Users messages management
Related resources
Listing pages
Booking requests
Last updated
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