Bookings dashboard (Subscription)
This page enables users to access subscription requests made, and received, as well as their status.
Path: Dashboard > Bookings
A subscription is an entity created when a user makes a subscription request via a public listing.
Switch users: All logged-in users
Non-Switch users: All logged-in offerors.
Non-Switch users: All logged-in askers.
Create a subscription
The process of creating a subscription request is described in detail here: Booking confirmation pages (Subscriptions).
Read a subscription block
All subscription requests are displayed in the subscription dashboard in the form of subscription blocks.
Each subscription block (figure 1) displays:
The related listing’s media elements (slider)
The subscription’s price per frequency
The booked listing’s title
The subscription’s period dates
The subscription’s location
The subscription’s duration
The subscription offeror
The message is linked to the subscription request if available.
The subscription’s status (and if applicable the remaining time before expiration)
The “Open” button in the top right corner of each subscription block (figure 1) redirects the user to the subscription’s details.
Subscription details
Path: Dashboard > Bookings > subscription #XXXX[…]XXXX
A subscription’s detailed page displays (figure 2):
The subscription ID
The status
A top page banner (figure 3) displays the subscription status and its total price.
In the page’s main body, several elements are displayed:
An overview of the listing (figure 4) related to this subscription:
The listing’s media elements
The listing’s name
The listing’s default price
The date & location (figure 5.1 & 5.2) are a reminder of:
The subscription’s start and end date (figure 5.1) as well as its duration
The location (figure 5.2) where the service will take place and any additional information (e.g.: floor number, apt number, code, etc)
The platform services (figure 6) detail the fees and/or commissions charged by the platform.
The “subscription” part (figure 7) details the status of the current period of the subscription and displays a summary of past or future subscription periods.
Learn more on subscription period statuses for inter-user subscription bundles here: Inter-users subscription - Subscription Period Status
At the end of the main body, a price banner (figure 8) indicating the subscription’s total price per period is displayed.
On the right-hand side of this page are displayed additional information elements:
The offeror block with offeror profile information (figure 9).
The status history block (figure 10.1) located under the offeror card displays the evolution of the subscription’s status. It is sorted from the most recent to the oldest status.
This block is collapsed by default. Clicking the “+” icon on the right side of the block (figure 10.2) expands the block.
Similarly, a cancellation policy block (figure 11) is displayed right under the status history block. It is by default collapsed and can also be expanded.
Update a subscription
Users can update subscriptions depending on their roles.
As an asker, subscriptions can be canceled, by clicking on the “Cancel” button, at the end of the booking page. (figure 12)
As an offeror, subscriptions can be accepted, declined, or canceled.
Subscription statuses are automatically updated when any of the above-described updates are performed.
Delete a subscription
Users cannot delete subscriptions.
Related resources
Listing page (Subscription)
Listing deposit (Subscription)
Booking confirmation pages (Subscription)
Listings dashboard (Subscription)
Business rules:
Last updated
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