Bookings management
Enables the administrator to view platform bookings, conduct searches, and export data.
Path: SBO > Services > Bookings
The bookings are the services given when an agreement is made between the asker and the offerer to perform the desired service.
The booking allows all parties to agree on the date and if possible the place. It is a written record of this agreement. All of this is done via the platform.
This is for logged super-administrators and administrators with good roles/permissions.
Create a booking
Only the platform users (askers/offerers) can make a booking. Also, a booking is created when an asker books an offerer’s commoditized services.
Read the booking display
On the SBO, super-administrators and administrators can see all the bookings made on the platform.
Each booking block (figure 1) is composed of:
The booking start time and date
The booking end time and date
The asker
The booking status
The offeror
The listing title
The fees: the fees the platform makes through the booking system.
Platform fees = total asker fees + offerer fees
The booking price = (time unit number * price) + asker fees
Booking ID
When hovering your mouse on a booking block or selecting one of the bookings, a sidebar menu will appear #1. Click the folder icon to see the booking details.
Searching and sorting
Keyword search
BackOfficeThe keyword search field (figure 2) is displayed at the very top of the interface, next to the BackOffice logo.
To perform a search, enter your query in the field and hit “Enter” on your keyboard.
The filters feature helps filter and sort items through different filtering and sorting options.
Date Range
You can select the start and end dates to filter listings within that range (figure 3).
Once the time and date are filled, click “Filter” (figure 3), and the results will be filtered following the selected values.
Smart Sorting
The smart sorting feature available on the booking dashboard enhances the operator's efficiency in managing bookings on the platform. It prioritizes the display of relevant bookings based on specific principles outlined below.
Future Bookings Priority:
If a booking's start or end time occurs in the future, it will be displayed first.
First Incoming Bookings:
Among bookings with future start or end times, the system prioritizes displaying the first incoming bookings.
Booking details
The first visible information on the booking details interface is the booking ID (figure 2).
The table of content (figure 3) displays important parts of information about a booking such as the Status or payment details...
Booking overview
There is a booking overview card (figure 4).
This card has the following information:
The asker who made the booking
The offeror who did the booking
The listing title that has been booked
The price
The total amount = the price of the booking + the asker fees
The total fees = the asker fees + the offeror fees
The booking start time and date
The booking end time and date
The total duration booked by the asker
The Cancellation policy applied to the booking
Cancellation policies
Flexible: per default (it can be changed depending on the platform parameters) :
If the asker cancels more than 1 day(s) before the start of the booking, he is reimbursed 100 % of the amount paid
If the asker cancels less than 1 day(s) before the start of the booking, he is reimbursed 50 % of the amount paid
Strict: per default (it can be changed depending on the platform parameters) :
If the asker cancels more than 1 day(s) before the start of the booking, he is reimbursed 50 % of the amount paid
If the asker cancels less than 1 day(s) before the start of the booking, he is reimbursed 0 % of the amount paid
The status card (figure 5) allows you to follow the step of the payment procedure.
The statuses are displayed from the oldest to the most recent.
Draft: The asker entered all the information but did not go through with the payment until the end.
Error: Payment error
Pending: Waiting for the offeror's answer about the booking request (accept / decline / or let expiration)
Cancelled by asker: Cancelled by asker (before or after acceptation)
Paid: Accepted by the offerer, and the asker paid the booking (pay in done)
Expired: There has been no answer from the offerer and the booking has expired
Accepted: The booking is accepted by the offerer.
Accepted status is used on a platform without payment OR with bank wire payments.
Services ordered
A service card is used to summarize the booked services (figure 6).
The services card gives visual information about:
The title of the listing/or the services selected during the booking
The unit type chosen can be
per hour,
per day,
per service (optional according to the activated rendering type)
per session (optional according to the activated rendering type)
The quantity booked
The price per time unit
The duration per time unit (optional according to the activated rendering type)
The discount applied
The total price = Price per unit * Quantity
The platform services card (figure 7) shows in detail the fees charged by the platform
Asker fees: the asker paid fees for his booking
Offerer fees: the offerer paid also some fees for using the platform
Total amount = Total principal services + asker fees
Payment details
An administrator can see the payment detail (figure 8 ) of a booking.
These pieces of information may vary according to the PSP chosen
The table of content (figure 9) in the payment details card allows the super-administrator or administrator to navigate through PSP information.
Update a booking
It is up to the offerer to manage his bookings. Super administrators/administrators cannot update a booking.
Delete a booking
Super administrators/administrators cannot delete a booking.
Related resources
Booking requests
Last updated
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